Interested in pricing and availability for 1-1 online tutoring? Is your student at a high score and looking to improve further?


If you DO NOT provide complete student information...


Don't get us wrong - we really do want to help your student.

But we are wicked busy training other motivated students and building out world-class products. For this reason, we can't waste precious time deciphering incomplete information.

So we don't.

Submit comprehensive student information - it takes only 10 minutes - and we will email you. Promise.

Your student's information will be kept strictly confidential.

IMPORTANT: In an attempt to discourage frivolous requests and to be respectful of that precious resource called Time, we ask all interested student families to answer the questions given in the form below. Our goal is to positively impact the maximum number of student scores with exceptional instruction and incredible educational products, so we have determined that email interaction is far more effective than connecting by phone or in person.

So we do NOT offer free phone calls to student families. We also do NOT accept in-person meetings.

Please follow the below instructions carefully. Use your computer, not your phone, to submit your student's information. Why? Mobile device browsers are often unreliable and may make you redo the work. Yes, painful.

Copy/paste this list of questions into the Message box below, and then enter your response beside each question.

Enter N/A for any question that does not apply. Don't leave it blank.

  1. Your student's high school | school district | state:
  2. Year at school (freshman | sophomore | junior | senior | other):
  3. Unweighted high school GPA:
  4. Weighted high school GPA:
  5. Your student's progress on Algebra 2 (completed | currently taking | will be taking in future):
  6. Math class currently taken by your student at school:
  7. Interested in (live online group classes | self-paced video programs | 1-1 tutoring. Note all that apply.):
  8. Subject areas for tutoring (ACT | SAT | PSAT | AP Calculus AB | AP Calculus BC | AP Statistics | AP Precalculus | high school math. Note all that apply.):
  9. Testing accommodations, if applicable (describe the amount of additional time granted for each test):
  10. Reason(s) for testing accommodations (describe in detail as this information is critical):
  11. Test anxiety issues, if applicable (describe in detail as this information is critical):
  12. Current composite score (specify separately for ACT and SAT, as applicable):
  13. If sharing ACT details, current individual section scores for English, Math, Reading, and Science (this information is critical):
  14. Are the above ACT scores from an official or a practice (home) test? (Answer Official or Practice):
  15. If sharing SAT details, current individual section scores for Reading-Writing out of 800, Math out of 800 (this information is critical):
  16. Are the above SAT scores from an official or a practice (home) test? (Answer Official or Practice):
  17. If sharing PSAT details, current individual section scores for Reading-Writing out of 760, Math out of 760 (this information is critical):
  18. Are the above PSAT scores from an official or a practice (home) test? (Answer Official or Practice):
  19. Target composite score (specify separately for ACT and SAT, as applicable; this information is critical):
  20. Next scheduled test date (specify separately for ACT and SAT, as applicable; this information is critical):
  21. If your student is currently working or has worked with other tutors or programs (in person, online, at school, etc.), give full names of tutors, tutoring companies, AND programs:
  22. Approximate start and end dates for the period when your student worked with the other tutor or program (type 'current' for end date if tutoring is ongoing):
  23. As noted above, we do NOT offer free phone calls. If you are interested in a paid phone call, we will send you instructions and pricing (Answer Yes or No):
  24. Your question(s), if any:
  25. Acknowledgement: I confirm that I have submitted complete information about my student for each question above. I also understand that if I have not submitted complete information, I will not receive a response from PrepAccelerator (Answer Yes or No):

Before clicking the SUBMIT button, review your answers for completeness. Enter N/A for any question that you previously left blank.

Once again, the more detailed your answers are, the quicker and more helpful our email response will be.

Allow at least 24 hours for our response, and check your Spam folder in case you do not see our response in your inbox.

Thank you for reading this far. We looking forward to hearing from you and helping your student achieve the goal score. And then exceed it.